Kinettes Outdoor Family Fitness Park Project
Working with the City of Lloydminster, this project aims to bring a Family Outdoor Fitness Park to the community. The equipment is being installed now! Stay tuned for information about a Grand Opening! The fitness equipment is located at the Kinsmen Participark, and will consist of a variety of machines for head-to-toe exercise options, including at least one accessible machine. We believe in providing this fitness facility for the community to access, for free! Fundraising for this project began in 2015, and we are thrilled that it is all coming to fruition. We hope that the people of Lloydminster use it & love it!
Fundraising for this project included 50% of proceeds from both the 2016 & 2017 Kinettes' Glow Run, a Paint Nite, and a 50/50 Raffle. The City of Lloydminster and Alberta Blue Cross have been terrific partners, and we are grateful for their generosity and commitment to this project.